Showing posts with label Journal MSDM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal MSDM. Show all posts
Saturday, August 20, 2011 | By: M.A. Arilaha

Pengaruh Faktor Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Motivasi dan Pengalaman Kerja terhadap Kinerja Kepala Desa

Author : Soetjipto
This research was aimed at knowing and analyzing the effect of education, training motivation andjob experience factors toward the performance of village oficer (study on both Pakis and Tumpang Municipalities in Malang Regency). This study was executed using samples of 30 respondents (village officers)from both areas. To examine the effect of such factors as education, training, motivation andjob experience on their performances, this research applied the analysis of double linear regression. The result ofsuch analysis indicated that the product of R' was 0.696 or as the amount of 69.9%. This resub indicated that as much as 69.6% of dependent variable could be explained by the independent one. While, the remaining 30.4% was described by another variable(s) that was not included in this study The result of Ttest showed that all the independent variables (education, training, motivation, andjob experience) partially gave significant effect on the village administrators 'performances in Kecamatan Pakis and Tumpang ofMalang Regency. The job experience was partially the most dominant variable in affecting the administrators' perfomances, meaning that the second hypothesis was accepted This was proofed by the fact that regression coefficient for working discipline variable was larger than that of other variables (respectively 0,696 > 0,639 > 0,574 > 0,242). Thus, hypothesis stating that the job experience had dominant effect on village oficers ' performances was statistically verified

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Volume 1, Nomor 1 Januari 2008. ISSN: 1978−8339
Daftar Artikel :
1. Faktor-Faktor yang Meningkatkan Peluang Survive Perusahaan Kesulitan Keuangan
2. Pengaruh Atribut Produk terhadap Sikap Konsumen pada Green Product Cosmetics
3. Analisis Persepsi Pasien Partikulir tentang Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Tingkat Loyalitas
4. Performance Appraisal pada BPRS
5. Pembelajaran Organisasi: Strategi Membangun Kekuatan Perguruan Tinggi

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Praktik-Praktik Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Keunggulan Kompetitif Berkelanjutan

Author : Lena Ellitan
Perubahan-perubahan yang mendasar dalam lingkungan bisnis telah menyebabkan pergeseran dalam urutan pentingnya manajemen sumber daya manusia dan fungsi sumber daya manusia. Departemen sumber daya manusia diberi kesempatan mengambil peran penting dalam tim manajemen. Hal ini terjadi karena fungsi sumber daya manusia sedang berubah menjadi fungsi manajemen yang penting. Menurut pendapat para peneliti dan teoretisi, aset sumber daya manusia dapat menjadi sumber keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelajutan karena aset-aset manusia tersebut mempunyai pengetahuan dan kompleksitas sosial yang sulit ditiru oleh para pesaing.
Praktik-praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia yang diperkirakan dapat menjadi sumber keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelajutan adalah kepastian kerja, selektivitas dalam rekrutmen, upah tinggi, upah insentif, kepemilikan karyawan, pembagian informasi, keterlibatan dan pemberdayaan, tim-tim yang diatur sendiri, pelatihan dan pengembangan ketrampilan, penggunaan dan pelatihan silang, kesamaan semua orang, upah/gaji tidak jauh selisihnya, serta kenaikan pangkat bagi orang dalam.

Kata kunci: manajemen sumber daya manusia, fungsi sumber daya manusia, keunggulan kompetitif.

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Author : Arief Daryanto
Government officials in Indonesia are required to continuously improve their services quantitatively and qualitatively to increase the country competitiveness and public sector management quality. Common stereotype about low government official performance implies that they are not yet capable of proliferating their productivity. Working motivation is needed to produce high working spirit to provide excellent service to the community. A system which can generate high working motivation based on result oriented organizational values and fair and accurate merit system performance evaluation are required. This paper is aimed at opening the thinking paradigm about merit system in managing government officials to increase their productivity, quantitatively and qualitatively.

Keywords:   Merit System, Civil Service (PNS), Competitiveness, Performance Appraisal, Competency, Merit Pay

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Author : Agung Panudju
This research is conducted to know the influence of variables compensatiom and job characteristic on the work satisfaction of Production Unit employee at PT. X. This research is causality research and method that used in this research is survey. The number of sample are 93 respondent and data collecting is conducted by filling out some questionaires.There are two group of variable in this research. Those are independent variable which are compensation and job characteristic, and the other is dependent variable which is work satisfaction of Production Unit employee at PT. X.Multiple liniear regression is used to analyze ihe ibfluence of variables compensation and job characteristic on the work satisfaction. According to the results of regression analysis, find that simultaneously variables of compensation and job characteristic have significant effects on work satisfaction of production Unit employee at PT. X. Partially, variable of job characteristic which is outonomy of job (X3) has most dominant effects on work satisfaction of production unit employee at PT. X.

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Author : Andreas Handojo, Djoni H.Setiabudi
Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra
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Rachma Yunita
Alumni Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra

Pengisian jabatan yang kosong pada proses kenaikan jabatan sering mengalami kesulitan karena pengajuan calon kandidat yang bisa menempati jabatan tersebut dengan cara pencocokan profil karyawan dan profil jabatan kurang terdefinisi dengan baik. Untuk meminimumkan kendala tersebut diperlukan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat menganalisa beberapa karyawan yang sesuai dengan profil jabatan yang ada. Sistem pendukung keputusan untuk proses profile matching dan analisis gap ini dibuat berdasarkan data dan norma-norma SDM yang terdapat di PT. X. Proses Profile Matching dilakukan untuk menentukan rekomendasi karyawan dalam Sistem Kenaikan Jabatan dan Perencanaan Karir berdasar pada 3 aspek yaitu Kapasitas Intelektual, Sikap Kerja dan Perilaku. Hasil dari proses ini berupa ranking karyawan sebagai rekomendasi bagi pengambil keputusan untuk memilih karyawan yang cocok pada jabatan yang kosong tersebut. Software ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Microsoft Access 2000 untuk database dan Borland Delphi 5 sebagai compiller-nya.
Dari hasil implementasi sistem, disimpulkan bahwa dengan penggunaan software ini dapat membantu proses pengambilan keputusan terhadap profile matching proses kenaikan jabatan dan perencanaan karir di PT. X.

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