Showing posts with label Journal Strategik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal Strategik. Show all posts
Saturday, August 20, 2011 | By: M.A. Arilaha


Volume 1, Nomor 1 Januari 2008. ISSN: 1978−8339
Daftar Artikel :
1. Faktor-Faktor yang Meningkatkan Peluang Survive Perusahaan Kesulitan Keuangan
2. Pengaruh Atribut Produk terhadap Sikap Konsumen pada Green Product Cosmetics
3. Analisis Persepsi Pasien Partikulir tentang Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Tingkat Loyalitas
4. Performance Appraisal pada BPRS
5. Pembelajaran Organisasi: Strategi Membangun Kekuatan Perguruan Tinggi

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Author: Soraya Hanuma & Endang Kiswara 

 In the face of an increasingly complex business environment such as currently requirred method of performance measurement that can assess the company’s performance accurately and comprehensively. In this case the method can be used is the Balance Scorecard. Balance Scorecard is a performance measurement tool that combines measures of financial and non financial performance. Balance Scorecard measures the performance from four perspective, namely learnig and growth perspective, internal business process perspective, customer perspective, and financial perspective.
The research was conducted by using data in 2005-2006 at PT Astra Honda Motor to analyze the financial perspective, while for other perspectives analyzed through calculation questionnaire. The population in this study is to customers and employees of PT Astra Honda Motor, whereas samples taken each is 100 respondents for the employees and the 100 respondents to the customer. Questionnaire have been tested for validity and reliability. Indicator used in this study consisted of ROI, profit margin, operating ratio, customer satisfaction, innovation, and employee satisfaction.
From the results of the analysis conducted, it is known that the performance of PT Astra Honda Motor is pretty good overall. In the financial perspective indicators ROI, profit margin, and operating ratio has shown considerable performance. For the customer perspective showed a good performance in the presence of customer satisfaction that is quite satisfactory. On the internal business perspective, companies can already do agood innovation. And for learning and growth perspective shows the level of employee satisfaction that is quite satisfactory. From the study’s data can be concludeed that by using the Balance Scorecard to provide a more structured and comprehensive.
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, performance measurement

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Icuk Rangga Bawono
Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi UNSOED Purwokerto

This article discuss about strategic management in public sector organization to implement good governance. In the first part will describe the preface. The second part will explain about governance and good governance. In the third part will describe about strategic management. Strategic management in public sector organization will be described in the fourth part. The fifth part will discuss about the SWOT analysis as one tool of strategic management. The last part will discuss about the conclusion.
Keywords : Good Governance, Stratetegic Management

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Author : Mohd Helmi Abd. Rahim, Maizatul Haizan Mahbob & Wan Idros Wan Sulaiman
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Globalisasi telah mewujudkan saling kebergantungan budaya dan negara di seluruh dunia. Dalam konteks pengiklanan, globalisasi telah mempengaruhi identiti budaya sesebuah negara melalui penggunaan jenama global. Jenama global dilihat pada konteks satu barangan yang mempunyai jenama, rekabentuk dan strategi kreatif pengiklanan yang sama dan beroperasi seolah-olah hanya terdapat satu pasaran sahaja di dunia. Perbezaan antara negara dan budaya telah diketepikan dengan alasan pengguna di seluruh dunia dimotivasi oleh keinginan dan kehendak yang sama. Pandangan ini telah menggerakkan perbahasan antara disiplin yang hebat di kalangan advokator, ahli akademik, malah pengiklan dan pengamal pengiklanan. Mereka berpendapat bahawa pengiklanan konsep Barat telah membawa pengaruh yang menjejaskan identiti budaya sesebuah negara. Dalam menangani isu ini, 200 iklan komersial telah dianalisis kandungannya. Kajian ini menggunakan konstruk budaya pengguna dan model strategik kreatif global. Penemuan menunjukkan bahawa entiti komersial di Malaysia banyak mengambil pendekatan identiti budaya lokal dan global dalam perlaksanaan kreatif pengiklanan mereka, berbanding pendekatan kreatif asing. Malah pendekatan kreatif pengiklanan yang bersifat glokal sudahpun digunakan. Selain itu, terdapat unsur standardisasi Asia yang turut ditemui dalam kajian ini.

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Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Manajemen

Jurnal Ilmiah Berkala Empat Bulanan ISSN,  Vol.2 No. 3. Mei, 2006
Daftar Artikel :
1.  Pengembangan Konsep Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Bagi Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Jasa Keuangan Cabang Bandarlampung. (Ernie Hendrawaty)
2.  Kajian Modal Kerja Usaha Kecil Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kinerja Usaha Menghadapi Era Pasar Bebas di Bandar Lampung. (Iban Sofyan)
3.  Analisis Faktor Penentu Ekuitas Merek (Studi Pada Produk Tabungan, Tiga Bank Umum Terbesar Di Provinsi Lampung). (Mahrinasari MS.)
4.   Analisis Efektivitas Dan Efisiensi Tata Niaga Kopi Biji Di Propinsi Lampung. (Mustafid)
5.   Penilaian Saham, Memahami Cara Berinventasi Saham Di Pasar Modal. (Sri Hasnawati)
6.   Faktor-Faktor Fundamental Keuangan Yang Mempengaruhi Resiko Saham. (A. Zubaidi Indra)

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